Do you ever wish you had a clone? How much more productive would you be, how much more could you get done if only there were 2 of you to do everything!
Well I’ve recently developed a theory which, for want of a better term, I’m labelling “Clone Theory”. Clone Theory basically holds that there are multiple versions of YOU. Now I’m a big believer in Multiple Universe theories in which there are other YOU’s in Parallel Universes, but that’s not what we’re talking about here.
What I’m actually talking about with this concept is something much closer to home. Let me explain how it goes. First of all, let me give you a few background concepts to help you understand this.
First Concept
We all know that our behaviour can be influenced by the people around us right? We know that, even with the best of intentions, if we hang around with the wrong type of people then inevitably some of those bad traits will rub off on to us. Usually this happens without us even being consciously aware of it.
Second Concept
It has been said that from a scientific perspective, the only thing we can say about the world around us with any certainty is that there is no proof that what we perceive as being the physical world actually exists. What we perceive is not necessarily what is, but merely our perspective of what is. For example, we all understand the concept that we don’t see with our eyes or hear with our ears. Our eyes and ears pick up stimuli which is then sent from the eye, or the ear, to the brain for interpretation. Our brains then receive this raw data, interpret it, then based on our interpretation the brain will create a picture that we “see” or a sound that we “hear”.
With me so far?
OK, So Here’s the Theory…
My theory states that what we perceive as being the world around us is actually just our own interpretation of the world around us. This also includes people. In the same way that a movie can re-tell a story “Based on actual events”, our mind is the director of a movie which is “based” on the raw data received from the world around us.
The same holds true for the people in our lives. Quite often when we interact with people, we’re not really interacting directly with those people. What happens is that our mind, being like a movie director, has created a character for that person.
Put it this way, think of a person who you’ve heard so much about but have never actually met. You might have a friend who keeps telling you about another friend they have. You’ve never actually met them but you feel you already know them because your friend has told you so much about them. So you have a very clear image in your mind of what kind of a person they are, how they would act in certain situations, are they fundamentally good or bad, can you trust them or not? All this in spite of the fact that you’ve never actually met them. All you know about them comes through the filter of your friend.
Well it’s the same thing that we’re talking about here. We receive input from our five senses but it’s actually our mind that then combines all that raw data into what we perceive as being the world around us. Part of that interpretation process is to create a character for each of the people who we interact with. That character essentially becomes Clone of that person that we have ourselves created.
But what starts out as simply interpreting raw data, gives birth to a Clone that begins to come to life and take on a personality all of their own.
The Clone that we have created becomes like a real person. The Clone becomes a real person with real feelings and emotions. They develop character traits all of their own. There will obviously be a lot of similarities with the Clone that we have created and the “real person” on which they are based. However, there will inevitably also be differences. Our Clone will have traits that the real person doesn’t and vice versa. You can quite conceivably end up with a Clone which is a very different person from the actual “real” person on which they are based.
Have you ever known anyone who just idolises someone and thinks that they can do no wrong, even though this person might treat them terribly? Have you known anyone who also thinks the worst of somebody. No matter what that person does, they will always believe whatever they’re doing, they’re doing it with sinister intentions.
That’s because these people are not basing their opinions on what the ACTUAL person is doing but on what their own personal Clone that they have created for that person does.
Now here’s where it gets scary. Think of all the people who you have in your life. Well, all of those people have probably created their own Clone for you! So there are tens or even hundreds (who knows, maybe even thousands) of Clones of you out there just floating in the ether.
Each one has now become an entity unto themselves. What we’re talking about here is not just a figment of someone’s imagination. They have given birth, if you like, to this entity by investing it with energy. The whole construct of the Universe is made up of energy. When we add our energy to these ideas that we have of people, we give birth to the Clone by giving the Clone energy. The Clone then becomes a living entity. It takes on a life of itself.
The really freaky thing is that this energy is out there floating around in the ether and if we’re not careful we can absorb some of that energy into ourselves. Just like the example of the first concept of absorbing the behaviour and traits of those people who we hang around with. We can also absorb some of the behaviours and traits of these Clones that others have created of us.
Now this could be a really good thing if there is some super spectacular Clone of us that was created by someone who only believes the best of us, but could equally be a disastrous thing if we absorb energy from a Clone who is, let’s just say a lesser version of the real YOU. In any event, do you really want to be taking energy from some other entity that is going to change you without your conscious awareness or consent? Would you not rather be a conscious creator of your own existence?
So how can you truly be your authentic self. Well the way that I describe it to people is it’s kind of like comparing genuine and counterfeit. I once fell victim to buying a counterfeit Blackberry online. When I got it, it looked exactly the same on first inspection but then after a while I began to notice little things that just weren’t right. On closer examination you could tell it just wasn’t put together properly, things didn’t quite fit right and so on.
It’s kind of the same when we start to encounter these energies that come from our Clones out there. At first it will be hard to distinguish between what is genuinely our true authentic selves and what are the imposters. The energy you get from the Clones will “look” right on first glance. When we start to feel these thoughts or emotions that come from the Clone it will appear very much as one of our own thoughts, ideas or emotions. But on closer examination we find that it won’t FEEL right!
If we get lazy and we just accept the thoughts that come into our minds, we won’t be able to distinguish the genuine from the counterfeit. We’ll operate on autopilot and just assume that these thoughts are how we must be feeling. But if we take the time to just stop every now and then and examine a new thought as it comes in, we can in essence ask these new thoughts for credentials! We can start to examine and really verify, is this thought truly a thought of ME?
We must ask ourselves the question, is this thought or emotion a true reflection of my SELF. At our core, would we really be doing this? Is this thought or emotion worthy of me? Is this really in alignment with my true sense of identity? If the answer is no, then it’s probably not really a genuine thought, it’s probably an imposter generated by one of your many Clones.
The great thing about life is that EVERY DAY we get to take control. WE, and no one else, can choose the thoughts that we choose to think. We are accountable to ourselves for ensuring the thoughts we have are truly our own.
Here is my challenge for you. Take an inventory of all the things that have been happening in your life recently. All the thoughts that you have had. Ask yourself are ALL of these thoughts truly how the real YOU would act? Or is it possible that at least some of your thoughts have been imposters?
I’d love to hear your feedback on this. Leave me a comment below…